An Ode to 9/11 – ‘I Don’t Know if this is Poetry’

I don’t know if this is poetry
But New York City inspired me
On this poignant day of remembrance
I sit in the wind, reflect, how many years since
I watched the iconic towers collapse from school 
A stark reminder to live the Golden Rule 

What happened to the way we banded together in 2001
America divided, collective spirit, there is none 
Nine-eleven is a perfect reminder of how we can help and love each other
Yet seems impossible if we let Covid and the media keep us from our sisters & brothers
This is an ode to the millions of humans still affected today 
Can we send strength, love, and hug our neighbors, it seems long delayed

Politicians and the media confine us to echo chambers with their endless spins 
Can we be open to ideas labs and tolerate others different opinions
Social media giants think algos, GPT-3, and AI the greatest trick the devil ever played 
It won’t compare to the emancipation led by the conception of Satoshi and Kaiser Söze
Every day and each moment is a gift and a chance for Tabula Rasa
Don’t take it for granted, Memento Mori, like Buddha A.K.A Siddartha

For a moment, breathe deep, where were you on nine-eleven-two-thousand-one
How did you feel, remember, for so many that day seemed like a marathon
We lost countless loved ones in this colossal tragedy
But we will never forget, that is all but a guarantee
I don’t know if this is poetry
But New York City inspired me

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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