Hivemapper, Pollen Mobile & Step’N

I continue to be fascinated by the rapid innovation and buidlers’ (that’s how it’s spelled in crypto-speak) progress in W3B. Let’s do a quick refresh on the evolution from web1 to W3B and then I’ll drop some quick lines on some new & interesting projects I’ve learned about recently…

  • Web 1 was the internet of the 90’s–read-only, pre-dates indexed searches (google), social media, and creator content–it all lives on your hard drive
  • Web 2 is the internet as we know it today–read & write, very centralized, indexed & personalized search engines, driven largely by advertising, user-generated content, streaming & location-based services, minimal user control, rights, or value accrual (think ‘FAANGMAN’ – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Adobe, Nvidia)
  • W3B is where we’re going, the internet of the future–the semantic web–economic incentives shared by users/creators/companies (creator optimization), data rights, property rights, & privacy come back into focus, interoperable systems, elimination of middle men, AI, AR/VR algos, & machine learning integrations, balancing of centralized and decentralized applications & services, crypto economies & micropayments…we will be living in some mix of Neal Stephenson & Ernest Cline’s imagined metaversal future

HIVEMAPPER – A Decentralized Digital Mapping Network – Competitor for Google Maps

This is super cool. They are using Helium’s tokenization model by providing users with the incentive to buy their dash cam hardware and get paid in the native token $HONEY in return for mounting it in their cars and help them map the world. This is a prime example of web2 vs W3B. Most of us use google maps, which tracks everywhere we go, who we spend our time with, where we eat, what we eat (if you order on the app), what we’re doing pretty much 24-7. This is what allows them to keep us as perpetual monetization bots for their bottom line. Like Helium, it will operate on the Solana blockchain to optimize for throughput and cost minimization. There’s still a lot of detail yet to be released here so will be keeping tabs. You can pre-order the devices now and the first set is scheduled to ship in July. Helium went from 15,000 to over 500,000 nodes in 2021 alone, so if their success is any indication of what’s on the horizon here, it’s super exciting.

POLLEN MOBILE – A Decentralized Mobile Coverage Solution

Am a big believer that a lot of the best ideas some from “scratching your own itch.” Anthony Levandowski launched this with that preset in mind and with a goal of providing connectivity with far less friction than our current systems.

Corporations, governments, and rogue non-state actors routinely exploit the centralized nature of existing wireless communications networks to oppress and profit. The world needs a private, anonymous, and decentralized global wireless communications network that is built, owned, and operated by its users.

Modern distributed ledger technologies (including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana) have revolutionized the ability to anonymously conduct secure digital transactions and operate smart contracts via decentralized networks.

Predecessor initiatives (including Helium) have demonstrated that distributed ledger applications, a crypto-enabled incentive and payments system, open source technologies, and decentralized governance models can be harnessed to revolutionize the development and operation of physical world networks.

With core values oriented around anonymity, privacy, decentralization, and transparency, this is another long-awaited solution that may give us the opportunity to have mobile technology without our devices recording, listening, and tracking everything we’re doing.

Again, this is a network that will be designed to allow participants capture value through participation and collectively improve the network in the long run. The idea is that the cost of your centralized providers will be much higher than the fixed cost of investing in hardware today and optimizing the network effects over the long run. And it’s using the Solana blockchain like Helium & Hivemapper.

One of my biggest questions in using token economies to incentivize user participation is what happens at maturity of these technologies…will users still be able to extract value and if not, will purely maintaining the network be worth the continued effort in the long run?

STEP’N – Social & Game-Fi – “Move-to-Earn”

This is still relatively new, but not as nascent as Hivemapper & Pollen Mobile. Their mission is to “inspire millions to a healthier lifestyle, connect them to web3 and combat climate change.” They’re essentially offering us the ability to download an application (ie: strava or nike run), buy or rent (for free) in-game “sneakers” which are represented as NFTs, and then start tracking our walking/running/moving in the application and get paid in their native token $GST in return, hence “move-to-earn”.

While I’m not convinced the economics of this project are sensible long-term (ie: unlimited token issuance leading to perpetual selling and downward pressure), I love the concept and innovative thinking. Even if it just gets more people to increase activity in their lifestyle and creates economic opportunity for people in communities where the options are very limited, it’s going to be a fun experiment to monitor.

To get setup, it probably takes about 15 minutes…you have to download the STEPN app on your phone (qr code below), register, join the discord channel to get an activation code, and then either buy or rent sneakers in the marketplace.


DISCLAIMER: This is not investment advice nor is it an endorsement or solicitation of any kind. I do NOT recommend you invest in Ethereum (ETH). This is for entertainment and informational purposes ONLY. Investing in cryptoassets is extremely risky, volatile, and may result in significant or permanent loss of capital. Those risks should be evaluated independently or with a professional before taking any action. You can assume I invest in everything I write about and am not recommending you do the same. Please do not use this information as a foundation for making investments in Crypto or Web 3 projects. Do your own research (DYOR)!!

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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