Lessons at 34

In one line: My gift back to the world–34 slices of unsolicited guidance in gratitude for another year of growth, love, and learning.

  1. When we fight for our limitations, we get to keep them; you will never exceed the person you decide to be
  2. The more we try to control, the more out of control things become
  3. Communication is the most critical aspect to maintaining healthy relationships
  4. Celebrate your birthday with people you love & do something you’ve never done before
  5. Your progress in life is equivalent to the number of uncomfortable conversations you’re willing to have
  6. Spend time with people who you can laugh till tears come out
  7. The average guest doesn’t treat your space the same way you do, they treat it the same way they treat their own space
  8. Things are much easier to get into then they are to get out of so be careful what you get into
  9. Measuring your progress in life relative to where you were instead of relative to an unobtainable ideal that we’ll never reach is one of the most empowering ways to shift your perspective in life
  10. Take big risks and ask for what you want in life—not asking OR getting a “no” end in the same place, so you might as well ask
  11. Express love & care in your partner’s love language, not in yours
  12. The most valuable assets in the world are time and freedom
  13. Dance your pants off every chance you get
  14. Fear, frustration and sadness are shitty friends but incredible catalyzers for growth—welcome, hug, and thank them
  15. Most of the conflicts we experience that involve other people have very little to do with us and everything to do with them—you can opt out of carrying their burden
  16. The metaphorical abyss of life, has the treasure, medicine, and wisdom we need
  17. Everything that happens in life is rigged in our favor
  18. The past is far more exciting than the future (hear me out)—usually when we get to “the goal” in the future, we just feel normal, unmoved, reset the bar higher, but when we look back at how much progress we’ve made—that is something special
  19. Modern society’s busy mentality is a disease, wearing our “busy” as a badge of honor—this will not prove to people that you matter
  20. Unshared expectations are pre-meditated resentments
  21. Most people pull the plug on relationships too early (controversial one…and…guilty-ck out this transcript or listen to the podcast between 1:15-1:18-changed my view)
  22. Happiness and self-worth can only be embodied from within—you will not get it from any person or anything outside yourself
  23. To give no trust, is to get no trust
  24. Humans are not meant to be working 40 hours per week
  25. Acknowledge the gifts you see in the people you love with regularity
  26. Fulfillment is sourced from the process, not the end goal
  27. Living in a place you love is a non-negotiable element to a fulfilling life
  28. We’ve lost our roots to our tribal nature—build a tribe of people you love and who love you unconditionally—we are not meant to do this journey alone
  29. Growth tends to happen a little bit at a time and then all at once
  30. The people who hurt you the most are your greatest teachers
  31. Simple > Complex & Less > More
  32. Identify your unique abilities and then chart a path in how you can build a life that allows you to operate from those abilities every day in whatever it is you do
  33. If it’s not a hell yes it’s a no (have to remind myself every year)
  34. Hitting the snooze button is a choice to have seven more minutes of crappy sleep over waking up and living your purpose

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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