Tiger Woods


In one line: The most stunning & impressive of all his insane career stats–Tiger Woods completed 10,000 hours of golf practice by age 12; as Malcolm Gladwell has famously stated, “it takes 10,000 hours of intensive practice to achieve mastery of complex skills and materials.”

In one more line: Devoured this book in 4 days during the Pandemic–if you are, or were a Tiger fan, this is a must read.


⁃ Kids, especially at very young age are able to imitate much better from live demonstrations as opposed to watching on tv (Earl would hit golf balls for 2 hours while tiger watched in his first 2 years of his life)

⁃ The drama of gifted child — quiet, isolated, sensitive; one who is more intelligent, sensitive, and more emotionally aware than other children and will do whatever it takes to please their parents even at the compromise of their own needs (the glass cellar — gifted kids tuck away themselves to please their parents)

⁃ “2nd place is the first loser”

⁃ Use tapes and breathing exercises to feed your brain subliminal messages; enhance focus and visualization

⁃ 10,000 hours of practice by 12 years old

⁃ “When it comes to matters of the heart, open up; you can’t live with these secrets” — Dina Rovell to Tiger on Earl

⁃ “Tiger the terror”

⁃ “The mind is a powerful thing.” — Tiger Woods

⁃ Practice with a purpose

⁃ Never being satisfied can lead to compulsive behaviors; compulsions are often responses to anxiety

⁃ 1996 commercial — Hello World — AMAZING!


Greatest golf seasons in history

  1. Byron Nelson – The Holy Trinity – 18 wins in 1945
  2. Bobby Jones — Grand Slam in 1930
  3. Ben Hogan — 3 majors in 1953
  4. Tiger Woods – 1999 season after new swing, wins 8 of final 11 events and top 10 in 16/21 events for the year

⁃ Scoring average in 2000 67.8 lowest in history; also lowest career scoring average

⁃ Career – 82 wins, 15 majors

⁃ Won 23% of career starts

⁃ 52 straight rounds par or better (including non PGA events it was 66)

⁃ 20 hole in ones; 3 on tour

⁃ 14-1 when going into final round of a major with at least a share of lead; 55-4 when holding at least a share of lead across all tournaments; 44-2 when holding the outright lead

⁃ Only player to win all 4 majors in a row – “Tiger Slam”

⁃ 142 consecutive cuts made (shattered the previous record of 113; 7-year stretch of not missing a cut)

⁃ Won 14 tournaments wire-to-wire

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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