

In one line: One of the great stories of our time, a historical novel taking place in Feudal Japan in the 1600′s with all the juicy components–learning, history, a love story, suspense, deep character development, and an excellent plot; definitely worth diving in but be ready for a long haul.

⁃ A great enemy can be more useful than a great ally

⁃ We will experience many births and rebirths throughout life until we’ve reached nirvana

⁃ Samurai code is honor, loyalty and duty; rather die than be captured; serve their masters; men and women are samurais

⁃ Leave karma to karma

⁃ You do not have to endure the unendurable

⁃ Beam a light on yourself before you go being critical of me

⁃ To learn Japanese, you have to think Japanese

⁃ I never forget a great friend and especially not a great enemy

⁃ “Pillowing” – funny term

⁃ “Son” is used with the name for people who have higher status than you

⁃ Karma — there’s no sense in all the heartache and emotion because we could just die right now, so no need to worry or dwell on the past

⁃ Shinto — the essence of Japanese, myths and legends that they live by

⁃ Detested Christianity because did not believe in divorce or 6th commandment thou shall not kill

⁃ “Komy” – the soul or essence of our being that persists forever and comes and goes from heaven to earth

⁃ Female samurais commit seppuku by throat

⁃ Karma is the first foundation of knowledge; patience is the 2nd and mastering the 7 emotions the 3rd

⁃ “If you want peace you have to learn to drink cha from an empty cup. You drink reality into the cup.” – Mariko Son

⁃ “What are clouds but an excuse for the sky; what is life but an escape from death.” – Yabu Kasigi, death poem

⁃ “There is good in every evil man and evil in every good man. The trick is to harness the good and discard the evil without getting rid of the good.” – Toranaga

-”Isn’t man but a blossom taken by the wind, and only the mountains and the sea and the stars and this Land of the Gods real and everlasting?”

-”How beautiful life is and how sad! How fleeting, with no past and no future, only a limitless now.”

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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