Fairy Tale


In one line: This is one of the best fantasy/sci-fi novels I have ever read, especially if you’re looking to expand your imagination and learn about the old, impressionable stories of childhood.

  • You never know where the trap doors are in your life (ch1)
  • Let your conscience be your guide (ch1)
  • I knew then the booze was out of control, but I just accepted it. Kids do that. (Ch1)
  • You have to remember that high schoolers, no matter how big they are, are still children inside (ch1)
  • The past is history and the futures a mystery (ch3)
  • Gogmagog – legendary giant in Welsh and English mythology (from jack and the bean stalk) – also Gog & Magog refers to the war nations of the world in the Hebrew Bible &Quran
  • Fear & loss can leave residue of resentment (ch7)
  • Time is the bridge and life is just the water that flows under it (ch8)
  • All alcohol smells the same to me, of sadness and loss (ch8)
  • The unknown is the scariest thing of all (ch10)
  • “Three may keep a secret if two of them are a dead.” – Ben Franklin (ch11)
  • Youre only as sick as your secrets. – AA Slogan (ch11)
  • To drop into flow we need to turn our brains off and let our body takeover
  • “The spirits have done it all in one night.” – Scrooge
  • Good people shine bright in dark times (ch15)
  • Let a man learn to walk on a crutch and he cant live without it (ch18)
  • Sometimes we look because we have to remember. Sometimes the most horrible things are what give us strength.
  • Hope is the thing with feathers that can fly, even for those who are in prison (ch20)
  • Magic gives people hope and hope is dangerous (ch20)
  • Tempus fugit – latin – time flies (ch23)
  • Time doesnt always fly, as anyone whos ever had to wait around for something knows.
  • Tempus est umbra in mente – latin – time is a shadow in the mind (ch23)
  • Good stories are not always true stories (ch23)
  • Theres a dark well in everyone and it never goes dry, but you drink from it at your peril. And that water, is poison. (Ch24)
  • I think there is always a reason for love but sometimes, hate just is, a kind of free floating evil. (Ch27)
  • It is the stories of our childhood that make the deepest impressions that last the longest. (Ch27)
  • Music and stories are often missed by those who dont care enough to stop and pay attention listen. Life is a lot like that as we tend to speak mind to mind for those who care to pay attention. (Ch27)
  • All worlds are magic. We just get used to them. (Ch27)
  • In the whole history of the world, not knowing never changed a single mistake (ch29)
  • Reading about something and truly understanding them are two entirely different things (ch30)
  • Sticks and stones may break my bones but words cant hurt me (ch30)
  • Shame is like laughter & inspiration, it doesnt knock. (Epilogue)
  • You might as well ask who made the world. Ours and others. Im sure there are others. Maybe as many as there are stars in the sky. We sense them. They funnel down to us in all the old stories. (Epilogue)

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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