The Wanderer


In one line: A literary genius and one of the greatest writers to ever live; a journey to unpack the depth of his writing and a great way to challenge & expand your mind, and contemplate life.

  1. The Wanderer — we’re all family, part of one collective organism in the universe; story telling connects humanity
  2. Garments — material items can mask who we really are and alter perception but that doesn’t change who we really are
  3. The Eagle & the Skylark — reminded me of the Bedouin (nomadic Arab people live in the desert) proverb — “me against my brother, me and my brother against my cousin; me, my brother and my cousin vs strangers.”
  4. The Love Song — be careful about what you say to who; words can be powerful if you attach to them
  5. Tears & Laughter — no matter what your emotion is, the world and people will always give it a label
  6. At the Fair — the grass is always greener on the other side; perception of events critical; be careful about judgment
  7. The Two Princesses — society has a tendency to pass judgment which on the surface is rarely representative of truth or reality; shall not desire what others have
  8. The Lightning Flash — religious beliefs are just labels that ultimately don’t change who we are nor can they change the course of the universal fate
  9. The Hermit & the Beasts — perception of what you believe acts like a placebo; if you believe someone has wisdom (even if they don’t) you may trust their guidance
  10. The Prophet & the Child — unclear
  11. The Pearl — unclear…with beauty comes pain?
  12. Body & Soul — unclear…desire and love are not the same?
  13. The King — yielding the power to the people and putting the decisions in their hands gives them agency; hence by putting the voice of the people over his power, the people felt as though they were each a King themselves and had a voice
  14. Upon the Sand — unclear
  15. The Three Gifts — things are not always what they seem on the surface; clever gestures can be done to achieve a specific goal
  16. Peace and War — things are good until they’re not

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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