The Ministry for the Future


In one line: These notes won’t do this one justice; one of my favorite new age sci-fi reads that combines historical learnings, contemporary climate & political challenges, with what very well could be a prescient outlook & interesting solutions to our environmental hurdles.

  • “Live as if you are already dead.” – a Japanese saying
  • Hope to do some good no matter how fucked up you are
  • Genie/Gobi coefficient – Corrado Genie in 1912, Italian sociologist; a coefficient of 1 means 1 person has all the wealth vs 0 equals full equality; 3 richest people in the world have more wealth than the 48 poorest countries; top 1% more than bottom 70%
  • We have not seen levels of wealth disparity like this since 1890’s Gilded Age, even surpassing that of the Feudal Era and ages of warriors and priests; a function of neo liberalism
  • 25% of all world population doesn’t have access to toilets, basic needs, etc.
  • Use the “Inequality adjusted human development index”; IHDI is based on a distribution-sensitive class of composite indices proposed by Foster, Lopez-Calva and Szekely (2005), which draws on the Atkinson (1970) family of inequality measures. It is computed as a geometric mean of inequality-adjusted dimensional indices. The IHDI accounts for inequalities in HDI dimensions by “discounting” each dimension’s average value according to its level of inequality. The IHDI value equals the HDI value when there is no inequality across people but falls below the HDI value as inequality rises. In this sense, the IHDI measures the level of human development when inequality is accounted for.
  • Happy Planet Index – combines well-being as reported by citizens, life expectancy and inequality of outcomes divided by ecological footprint – the United States scores 20.1/100; ranked 108 out of 140 countries
  • “Anchor bias” – tendency for people to rely too heavily on the first piece of information they receive on a topic
  • Chapter 42 – Revisit – “Carbon Quantitative Easing” and “Carbon Coin”
  • Frank Manchin crated “Manchin Passports” after World Wars to allow refugees to move around wherever they wanted
  • The world is spinning toward catastrophe; the invisible hand never picks up the check, the money is here it just isn’t evenly distributed
  • Democracy is just a disguise for western imperialism and oligarchy
  • You can never escape yourself…every place is the same because you are the one moving to that place…the old notion from psychotherapy is people fear change because it can only be change for the worse because you turn into a different person and therefore are no longer yourself. Thus change = death.

You cant help being yourself.
You’ll drag yourself all over the Earth no matter how far you flee.
You can’t escape yourself even if you want to.
If what you fear is losing yourself, rest easy.
The real fear is if things change and you’re still as unhappy as before.

  • The availability heuristic – what you feel is real is what you know but there’s so much more going on than you could ever know and reality is much bigger than the self.
  • “A revolution comes, not the expected one, but another, always another.”
  • “Overcome obstacles by multiplying them.”
  • There’s no point in keeping someone company if you want follow them where they want to go. (Mary, while in hospital with Frank)
  • “La oola oola” = “Hawaii Day” – evoke the Novosphere by calling something into existence by everyone thinking about at the same time

Published by PhociANon#001

I'm passionate about sharing my ideas and synthesis of other people's ideas in a condensed manner. My hope is that it may allow people to quickly extract and apply to improve the quality of their every day lives, becoming more awakened to themselves and the universal energy that feeds all of us.

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