Book Notes

I have read 100’s of books and have 1000’s of pages of notes tucked away in my archives. I’ve created this segment to put all of those efforts out into the ether for anyone to access with ease. I realize that modern society has led most of us into chaotic lives, limited time, competing attention, and some of us just simply struggle to get through full books–this will be a place where you can come and gather drips and drabs of insight from your favorite books when you’re feeling it’s time to circle back to them for more treasure.

There will be ratings for each book and links for purchasing all of them, if you feel so inclined. In full disclosure, I have no qualifications or expertise that would lend me to be the most reliable source on rating books. I rate them based on density of wisdom, character development and relation, the story, entertainment value, and how digestible they might be for the average person.

This segment is a continued effort to circulate as much wisdom for life out into the universe as I can to impact as many humans as possible. And an acknowledgment that there are between 600,000 – 1,000,000 books published in the US every year alone and our time for parsing through what’s worth our time and what’s not is a very daunting task. Hopefully, this helps you dig into more delicious literature that speaks to your soul.

DISCLAIMER: I do not have any partnerships or receive any benefit from you buying any of these books…the links are provided to make life easy if you want to get a copy for yourself.