Crypto & Web 3 Distillery

The momentum in the blockchain & crypto communities seems to only be gathering steam, continuing to defy Moore’s Law of compounding growth. I believe that the innovations since 2009 (not to ignore the foundational inventions in cryptography/smart contracts/P2P/merkle trees/etc. that may date back as far as 1900BC to Egyptian society, the first known evidence of cryptography) have catapulted us into some kind of multiplied parallel to what was experienced in the late 90’s/early 2000’s dot com era. It wasn’t until a decade after TBL invented the internet in ’89 that Web1 started proliferate. Here we are a decade after the rapid evolution of Web2 and the next disruption is knocking on the door. Web3 is coming, and it’s coming much faster than most of us realize, so it’s probably time to start paying attention.

I suspect many of you have caught the MSM or had the experience of ending up in or proxy to a conversation about “bitcoin, dogecoin, blockchain, etc.” These often spiral into discussions about NFT’s, dog coins, hodling, defi, private keys, the metaverse and lots of other brain-exploding concepts. When I first had this experience, I thought it all sounded like the progeny ofThe Ministry for the Futuremeets ‘Ready Player One. And then I thought, “maybe that Elon Musk guy was right after all, maybe we are living in a simulation?” The point, is that there is a a massive tidal wave of change and technological advancement coming very quickly. This is a pivotal moment. There are new terms and concepts integrating into our social fabric. I don’t think this is just a nascent technology that can simply improve global monetary systems or Tulip Mania round 2. I think this is a Financial, Digital, Social & Cultural Revolution–the future is here. When, or if you go down the crypto rabbit hole, you may discover that the potential is infinite. The crypto-economy has opened up endless possibilities in all areas of life that weren’t possible just a few years ago.

The world’s richest human ever recorded in history with a net worth that just eclipsed $250 Billion & many suspect will become the first living trillionaire (probably after SpaceX goes public).

I decided to initiate this segment of writing for myself, “a guaranteed market of one” as Tim Ferriss might say. It has become increasingly more difficult to decide where to focus my time and attention in this space. I am not a developer or computer whiz nor am I a big investor or someone who made lots of money being early in crypto. I have no desire to speculate on get rich quick coins. And I am also not going to be the expert on any one project or concept. I consider myself a hybrid crypto-enthusiast who enjoys learning about new projects, the basics (+ maybe a bit more) and exploring the potential of the technologies. At the same time, I’m also looking for opportunities to invest in areas that are interesting and where the long-term potential is promising. But accomplishing both of those things successfully takes a tremendous amount of time and energy.

My hope is that I can use this space to distill existing and emergent projects, ideas, and core concepts down to a set of bullet points that you can digest in only a few minutes. I think it will also help me learn by putting it on paper. I hope to give you a place to find the non-expert fundamentals without having to spend hours going down the rabbit hole yourself. I can assure you that it’s deep. I dove in years ago and I’m beginning to think I may have fell into a singularity…thanks for hopping along for the ride and welcome to the distillery of my brain on cryptorall.
