
BY: Greg McKeown In one line: A simple roadmap for anyone seeking the ‘disciplined pursuit of less’. In one more line: “If one’s life is simple. contentment has to come.” – Dalai Lama In one last line: If you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will do it for you, without you in mind. ChapterContinue reading “Essentialism”

How to Travel & Learn New Languages

In one line: Take the time to learn these 20-30 words/phrases every time you travel to a new country–it will greatly enhance your experience and allow you to engage more deeply with the locals, have fun, use your brain, and learn more in the process. Having been away from home for about a year, languageContinue reading “How to Travel & Learn New Languages”

A Social Contract for Seamless Travel with People You Love

I have been incredibly fortunate to travel all over our planet and share experiences with friends, family, lovers, and even strangers. Taking a trip with someone can feel like jumping into a short-term living situation or an intimate relationship. It’s a powerful mirror. It forces you to collaborate with other humans, create a plan, communicateContinue reading “A Social Contract for Seamless Travel with People You Love”

10-Year Remarkable Life Letter

Writing letters to myself in the present, to revisit in the future, has become one of my favorite practices. My sister introduced me to this idea 6 years ago. At the end of every year, she writes a letter to herself and stores it away to be opened 10 years later. She is 15 yearsContinue reading “10-Year Remarkable Life Letter”

The Alchemy of Inquiry: Key Questions That Define Us

I was writing in my journal last Friday as I do most mornings, and I found myself rattling through innumerable random and thought-provoking questions. Maybe they weren’t actually random, I don’t know. But, what I do know, is that they have jolted something from deep within that has stuck with me since. It was anContinue reading “The Alchemy of Inquiry: Key Questions That Define Us”

Death, Faith, Inspiration & Reincarnation

When people we love pass away, it prompts a reflection on their life, a reliving of memories, a sharing of stories, and a reunion of hearts, souls, and spirits. More and more, I wonder why we don’t do more of this with the people we love while they’re alive. A powerful reminder to celebrate theContinue reading “Death, Faith, Inspiration & Reincarnation”

The E-Myth Revisited

BY: MICHAEL GERBER In one line: Far & away, my number one recommendation for Entrepreneurs looking to better understand scaling solutions and better define the meaning and purpose in their business. In one more line: The system is the solution, this applies to life and business. Key Notes: ⁃ End points in the progress ofContinue reading “The E-Myth Revisited”

5 Love Languages for Men

BY: Gary Chapman In One Line: A lot of simple, yet novel and easy ideas for improving communication and all aspects of a relationship…if you’re experiencing challenges or monotony, take a quick scan through this and see if you can get some good ideas to create a spark in your relationship. Introduction: ⁃ Anger isContinue reading “5 Love Languages for Men”

The Manifesto of Encouragement – Right Now

By: Danielle LaPorte In one line: A great source of motivation & inspiration…a beautiful poem. Right now there are Tibetan Buddhist monks in a temple in the Himalayas endlessly reciting mantras for the cessation of your suffering and for the flourishing of your happiness. Someone you haven’t met yet is already dreaming of adoring you.Continue reading “The Manifesto of Encouragement – Right Now”

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World

BY: JACK WEATHERFORD In one line: One of the best biographies I have read…it’s hard to go wrong trying to better understand the influences of how the world has evolved over time In one more line: Genghis Khan’s Mongolian Empire has had some of the most meaningful impacts on how we got to where weContinue reading “Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World”